.. _ref_contributing: Contribute ---------- Overall guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys library appears in the `Contributing `_ topic in the *PyAnsys developer's guide*. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with this guide before attempting to contribute to the FileTransfer Tool Server. Setup ~~~~~ * For information on how to build the FileTransfer Tool Server from source, see :ref:`getting_started`. * To build the documentation, use this command: .. code-block:: bash poetry run -C doc html * To run tests, use this command: .. code-block:: bash cd build; ctest; cd .. * To run ``pre-commit`` style checks, run this command: .. code-block:: bash poetry run pre-commit run --all-files Internal API ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Documentation follows for the internal classes and functions of the FileTransfer Tool Server. This documentation is intended for developers who want to understand the inner workings of the server and possibly extend it. .. doxygennamespace:: file_transfer :project: ansys-tools-filetransfer-server :members: :private-members: